Afternoons have been wonderful lately. I've spent the past couple of weeks colouring and transferring creatures from my sketchbook onto big fat chunks of wood. A couple of weekends ago I spent the morning visiting the workshop of a local woodworker who was super kind and offered me a mixture of hardwood and pine wood scraps.

Cupcake Mister

Midnight Owl
Making me particularly all warm and fuzzy inside is knowing they are all made of recycled bits which any super paper consuming designer (try say that one fast ten time) will love. I made the most of my think blocks by smoothing the sides in hand drawn type leaving my hand with cramps but well worth the pain. Then to tidy up the edges I decided to paint a chalkboard on the reverse side. Functional art!

Sky High

Bot Love v2.0
I'll be selling the original wood blocks at the Youth Street Markets. But if you would like a print if any of the above just let me know and I can send one your way for AU$8.00 (add about $1.50 postage).
Here's to hula hoops and kiss it all betters.
C is for Chanell xox
they look awesome!!