Thursday, May 28, 2009
ahoy matey...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
bats, bats, bats...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
it's baking time...

Monday, May 11, 2009
joey loves dawson...
Feeling the need to sit in front of the teevee and illustrate the random thoughts in my head today. I am thinking this would make a lovely sticker sheet of sorts?
In other news, I am reaching the third week of the flu and have succumbed to macadamia cookies and housebound mania. However, it does provides a foolproof excuse to crawl back in bed and read my favourite girlie magazines.
Here's to mismatched buttons and heartache. xox
C is for Chanell.

And from here in it begins...
A shared scrapbook of sorts. Muddle-headed train trip sketches, labours of love and items of lust. Perhaps a running commentary on my manic mind melts and a mish mash of inspiration or lack there of? Let's cross our fingers.
Please do come back often to sneak a peek.
Here's to tea and cupcakes. xox
C is for Chanell.